DBT for Children (DBT-C)
Daytime, Evening & Weekend Appointments Available
Call: (619) 787-6676 | TEXT | Email: PEP@PEPSanDiego.com
DBT-C – Dialectical Behavior Therapy For Children (Ages 7-12)
- Does your child exhibit out of control behaviors?
- Are you afraid or anxious to take your child out in public?
- Do you feel like you’re being held hostage by your child?
- Does your child yell or scream at you?
- Does your child try to hit or bite you?
- Does your child get in trouble/suspended/expelled from school?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you and your child would likely benefit from DBT-C – Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children. PEP offers this exclusive program in both our traditional Outpatient setting as well as our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP).
PEP’s DBT-C Outpatient Program consists of:
- 1 individual session with your child and 1 parent session per week, with DBT-C skills training included in these sessions
- This program is approximately 6 months long
PEP’s DBT-C Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) consists of:
- 2 hours of individual therapy for your child
- 2 hours of parent therapy
- 6 hours of DBT-C skills training for parents and child
- DBT-C IOP is an accelerated program of 12 weeks at 10 hours per week. Both programs allow parents to utilize 24 hour phone coaching.
If you’re ready to take the next step, give us a call at (619) 787-6676 and we’ll get you scheduled today.